day one.
hi tuesday. we had guest from palamuse estonia. the doorbell rang, i went to open, there were standing two girls with dark hair. at the moment i opened the door i heard the words 'hanipuppelii mä tulin kotiiiiin!!! (honey boney i came home!!) there were karin and krissu. karins last name is hihi. i love it :D so we ended up inside with all the stuff. outi bit bothered here hi trying to be funny, everyones laughing feeling myself stupid.
then introducing the home. here's room of elias and then kaisa's and milja's and ours and outi's room is here and here's this and there's that. oh your house is so clean! oh thank you, then shall we go to the kitchen and eat something! here's pancakes have you ever eaten them? oh dear are you full already? well take more food anyway :D
hello, have you finished? heh. were watching television here, come too. what kind of programmes do you watch? hardly any? oh. this is project runway. i like this. they have to make new dresses from old clothes. i stammered.
day two.
good morning! how are you already woken up? sleep well anyway? good.. heh.. i'll go now bye.
girls had woken up before 6 o’clock just for nothing, couldun’t sleep anymore. if i understood right what they said :D i left for school and sport class and everyone else left home eat some breakfeast. So next time i met them was on my lunch break. i introtuced them to my class mates. outi, who are they? where are they from? where does they stay? and why? where did you say they were came from? outii.. yeah :D i answered the questions and then we were leaving outdoors again :D
their morning had went well, they had been in sisters’ and brother’s classes, and they seemed to like it :) good. Then first lesson in high school. germany! oh god we just talked we could speak anything but germany!! oh XD well.. meybe they liked to be in my class after all because they could drink coffee with us :)
they had had problems with coffee anyway XD karin doesn’t like to drink coffee without sugar so they had made a plan. Krissu would drink her own coffee first and then they’d switch the cups. problem solved.
Yay! Then finally we could leave for home from that terrible germany lesson and that scary teacher. While we were going upstairs they met some of their friends. Yay ^^ girls had been asking if they could meet anniina and emppu here. And just before going home they met each others :)
while we walked home we talked about everything. differences between ikaalinen and palamuse. and what are those little cars which are driven by youth? oh how cold is here! and the snow or rain, hard to say witch one, will make us so wet! and how did you outi had sports outdoor at 8 o’clock!
home we ate again. I think it’s finnish tradition to ask guests eat all the time. After dinner we went play guitar hero. omg this isn’t going really well XDD NO, NO, you’re doing great! XD
i had playing lesson in the evening, others went bowling. obviously they had much fun. :) when they arrived home the first reaction was: HERE IS SMOKE!! Yeah.. i was told to put fire to the fireplace… dad started to bake sausage, karin and krissu were giggling :D they had brought some mustard from estonia, and mum and dad ate that, girls kept laughing. :D this mustard is good. someone heard this mustache is good. LAUGHING!!
day three.
hi! in the morning i went school again. karin and krissu went to tampere at 10 i guess. they had done lot of nice things! they visited tallipiha, kauppahalli, super market et cetera. and they told me about those huge pizzas they had been eating :D
and then ( <- nice that i keep repeating that.....) we went to the olo kolo. there we spent evening, in schedule we had games girls had planned, games we had planned, eating, singing, talking and spending time together. :) and now when we have sung, outi will tell us the game well play! hmm so.. first. say your name CLEARLY!! and then tell us what kind of animal would you be and why. i'll go first. my name is outi and i'd love to be some kind of bird (because of some reasons) because i'd love to fly :) just a little later everyone else had told about themselves.. and now we all know each others names, but if you're can't remember them just call us the animals we said :'D
milja introduced next game, norwegian sock game :'D it's the weird one O_O and i'm always best when we play it :D i can stand
karin and krissu had another game for us. now we have kind of competition. there's goooood pirze to winer!! so make it well! we got sausages and.. oh nooooo!!!!! the one who takes most of mustard and is able to eat it all will be the winner!! i hate mustard anyways >.< hyyiii like it burns hyyyiiii even if i took so little hyyyiii it's too salty hyyiii. yummy :'D the winner ended up to be anniina. here's the prize we promised! rest of the mustard packet :'D yay
then we went eat. yay food. timing was great, after that mustard we tasted nothing :'D we eated and talked about funny things (i can't even remember what everything XD ) then i went to play piano, i had promised to karin and krissu that i'll practise playing piano when they could hear me. i didn't want to have a performance so they did anyway hear how i played :)
and then i had to accompany the songs we sang. at first i had to accompany with guitar when one else played piano. it's just that i don't really accompany with chords i just play on my on from the notes :'D so i was just a bit bad, poor, confused, pitiful and inept XD when our fist pianist left i was bushed in front of piano. gooosh that harmony of dissonance!! i almost palyd within rythm when i accompaned with common chord only :'D but they didn't complained, maybe just because i had told them i'd suck :'D
in the end of the wonderful evening we had drive to home. others stayed talking, but i dragged to the bed and fell asleep almost immediately. so i didn't hear some convercations , but i wouldn't matter.
day four.
we had time to talk this much in the morning: oh good morning! did you sleep well? gooood. oh i have to leave in five minutes, but first some breakfeast. (yeah i usually have that much time to eat X'D ) bye! i was in school and karin and krissu somewhere. (it's amazing that this topic is about them and i have done nearly nothing with them :'D ) they were having a coffee with kls.'s drummer. yesterday they were looking so forward to that!
editedit. they met the whole band! :D they played couple tracks to the girls. which name girls didn't know, they were new songs. girls liked the band members. they had brilliant sense of humor! kimmo the guitarist had told jokes all the time :'D karin and krissu had heard kls.'s musik before already, and liked the music really so it was so excating to meet the whole band! :)
i met the girls about 8 o'clock in the evening :( so i have not much to tell you about that :( but home-make pizza was made and mum and dad had bought 6 different kind of chocolate so girls could taste finnish chocolate :D j
and then we gave some gifts to the girls. they got moomin towels and pillowcases. somehow the towels reached just the right owner! girls got tho choose from green and red towels. karin got a towel which was pikku myy (what's that in english? :'D ). she told her mother has called her pikku myy when she was young. and krissu just screamed cheerfully when she got known what picture was in her towel. there were nuuska muikunen.
then krissu left us to get something for us. she brought some papers into the kitchen. here is letter to all of you, you can't open them yet because you could throw us away. no just kidding :D but anyway :) open them when we have left :) oh that is so sweeeet :3 i can't wait to open my letter!!
yesterday karin and krissu got a balloon filled with helium from tampere yesterday. hehheh outi, you must breathe this and then you'll talk and i'll take wideo!! - oh noooo!!! XDD what should i say anyway? -it doesn't matter just something!! then i got a deep breath the helium and started to talk to the camera :'D it didn't sound that amazing, maybe because the balloon had been here already that long. but it worked with elias. karin and krissu giggled just a bit. but now they have some funny memories of us :)
day five.
unfortunately i was sleeping in the morning when others left for a camp. so i didn't meet the girls in the morning :< farewell for a while, see you again :)
outi's thoughts
i had very nice week and it was a pleasure to get known to karin and krissu. even if in the beginning i was little bothered, too scared to speak english wrong, shy person here, after all i had a reallyyyy good time! now i think i could speak english all day long even if i say things wrong all the time :'D but it doesn't matter.
it was funny that karin and krissu tasted salmiakki and they felt like they'd vomit. it is not that bad! :'D even if i don't like it i've never even thiought of vomiting after eating it :'D it's only bad taste that's all. and if i understood right the girls hadn't tasted the real salmiakki, but salmiakki chocolate :D well i don't know.. it's bit weird anyway :D
the girls invited us to visit the palamuse, they promised that if we ever feel like WE WANT TO GO TO ESTONIA RIGHT NOW!!!, we are more than welcome to go their places :) nicenice :)

We had so nice days. Krissu ate piimälimppu and said that it tasted liquirice. Leipäjuusto creaked in her mouth like someone drag findow by finger or something... Sorry my english, but I love our new Estonia friends.